Creating a harmony between who you are ... and what you have around you... with color ...that's using your color edge

The Essence of Autumn

Autumn is flamboyant. Almost overnight the crisp cold turns the leaves into flaming corals, brilliant reds, bold yellows and the deep tawny hues of the forest. The rich tones of Autumn seem to turn back to the earth.

In those who are blessed with the earth, and are nurtured by the rich, heady maturity of the Autumnal season, we find persons who are enticed by life to dig deep for their answers, to garner the abundance of all fruition.

From Suzanne Caygill's Color: The Essence of You

Images of Autumn
Autumn Women
Lauren Bacall
Katherine Hepburn
Myrna Loy
Lucille Ball
Jane Fonda
Jamie Lee Curtis
Merryl Streep
Oprah Winfrey
Jodie Foster
Autumn Men
Humphrey Bogart
Danny Kaye
Yves Montand
Red Skelton
Spencer Tracy
Mel Gibson
Burt Lancaster
Clint Eastwood
Vincent Price
Jack Nicholson
Nicholas Cage